A February round-up and some March goals

February was quite a quiet month really. Lots of money saving and a bit of fun housey stuff. We spent the first Valentines since we started dating together! Crazy horses right – the night was full of lovely food and some cocktails! I helped a friend hang her beautiful exhibition. I broke a few toes.I went on some great pup walks with Toni. I also got sick – unable to move from the bed and needing to sleep all the time sick. It was rubbish. We also got awesome wallpaper in the bathroom, and a few other fun bits I’ll share once the bath has been swapped out and tiled again! But mostly it was a quiet one. 

And on to some thoughts and goals for March
March will mostly be spent on holiday. So my goals are mostly holiday based but that makes them more fun right? I really, really need to figure out how to NOT take everything I own on to the plane in my hand luggage as that is usually what I do……..and I’m trying to find a way of juicing kiwi to not make it go all dry in your mouth…..Any one got any clues? 
Oh, and the missing of Flash…….I’m worried about how much I am going to miss his little furry body – it’s about my favourite thing in the world! Any tips on surviving 3 weeks with out him would be appreciated! 


    And you will miss Flash, no doubt about it but your trip will be so amazing you'll make it through. Where's he heading? He'll be having a whale of a time too!!
    How're your toes?
    M x

  2. I'm so jealous that you're going on holiday soon!!! Just accept and expect to miss Flash a lot, maybe arrange some Skype dates with him? Is that too much of a crazy dog owner talking? 😉 xx

  3. He's off to my parents house (who love him more than they love me I think) so he'll be ruling the roost there for a bit. They live next to a field and some woods so it's fun walks, human food treats he really shouldn't be having, constant ball throwing and all the snuggles for him! He won't miss us at all!
    And the toes are fine – although i didn't have any proper tape so used washi tape to hold them together! Oooops!

  4. From one crazy dog lady to another! Seeing his face is one of the reasons I've been teaching my mum to whatsapp! He's rubbish on skype though – we do it all the time when Jim's in India and he never bothers with it…..either he's asleep or trying to play ball. Neither of which work on skype very well!
    Jim resorts to playing with Indian street dogs to get his puppy fix when he's away for a while – maybe we'll find some hipster dog to play with?

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