This BEDM post – Pets is perfect. You know me, any opportunity to show gratuitous photo’s of Grandmaster Flash……
For those of you new here, Flash is a Pug x Jack Russell, he’s naughty, he’s cuddly, he’s strong willed, he likes chasing balls and eating, well, pretty much everything. He’s just turned one and next week he’ll have been in our life for a full year and I am still besotted.
I'm totally smitten with him too – he's gorgeous 🙂
Thank you. He's a bit of a cutie. x
I came on here to say "I like *this* photo" and then realised that basically I loved all of them.
But especially the one on the boat.
And the others.
He loved the boat – really loved it. Can't wait to see how he gets on this summer. x
I NEED to meet him!! x
Yes you do – we need to have a catch up soon. When? x
Love that tail photo and the whiskers close up – so cute!
Ah, those were taken after a considerable amount of time spent at home with him 😉