Today marks 5 years since this little dude came to live with us.
5 years of the best cuddles on the planet.
5 years of being bossed about by this grump.
5 years of popcorn paws.
5 years of ears you just want to make into pillows.
5 years of incessant ball chasing, toy destroying and irrational hatred of things on TV.
5 years of being my little spoon and hot water bottle.
5 years of protecting us from people walking past the house and post coming through the door!
5 years of kisses and slow dances round the kitchen.
5 years of being waited for when we’re out on a walk.
5 years of unconditional love and dirty looks.
Today is also, coincidentally, the day I finish my active treatment for cancer. I say coincidentally as it was Flash who first discovered my lump. This guy literally saved my life. He’s my hero! I know everyone’s dog is perfect but not many of them are as perfect as this little horror!
I couldn’t imagine my life without him. Or his brother. But this here is a love letter to Flash.
Happy gotcha day little buddy! Love you as much as you love your ball!