I’ve just realised I’ve not shared these awesome pins here, we launched them in November, but for some reason, I didn’t get round to writing this post, but they definitely need sharing far and wide.
Emmie, the extraordinary lady I make the Fuck Cancer pins with, and I wanted to create something a little more accessible, knowing that not everyone can afford one of the necklaces we are making, so we started with pins. Ironically, they arrived on a day I was in the hospital having treatment so we turned my bed into a little factory line, and we’d sold a good few of them before they left the oncology ward, let alone made it online!
The silver and the rose gold necklaces seem to be selling the best, so we started there with colours for the pins. One pin in silver and black, and one pin in rose gold and white. For a while, the rose gold pin was far outselling the silver, but I think right now, we’re just about on equal sales. Which is to say we’ve sold over half of each of the colours of the pins.
At least £5 from the sale of each of the pins is going to Cavendish Cancer Care, a charity in Sheffield that supports people who are affected by cancer. Over the last couple of years, I’ve had counselling, acupuncture and shiatsu through Cavendish, and every visit with them has been just magical. So raising money for them, to help them support other people is a no brainer!
You can get your pins here.