
I have been planning to host a little crafting event for a while, but the house needed some serious decorating beforehand as we’d need a table to craft on. Finally with an end in sight, I arranged a little craft afternoon, or ‘crafternoon’. For a while it looked like it might not happen as the table needed for it was on order without a delivery date, but on Saturday morning John Lewis finally delivered me one, meaning we could get our craft on on Sunday. 
So here is my little take on a crafting afternoon with some teacup candle making;

We had tea cups, mostly collected by my mum when she found them in the boxes she buys from auctions and the likes. A big bowl of wax pellets, wicks and wick holders. 

I also made sure we had some things to pretty up the end results – little bags, ribbons, washi tape and tags. 

Each candle was made with a cup and a half of wax, melted and poured into the cup. After a candle making attempt before and having ruined a few bowls then, I had a brain wave and we decanted the wax into old glass jars which we placed into saucepans of boiling water. {It was a much better plan as i just threw out most of the jars after we’d done – I have kept one for a christmas craft that involves wax!}

And here is the finished article. We all left with pretty teacups, now holding a candle. Tarted up in little bags with ribbons and twine. 

And for treats I made some pumpkin whoopie pies, caramel buttons* and spiced cider; 
The whoopie pie recipe can be found here. I have never baked with pumpkin before and to be honest, they taste more of the cinnamon and spices than they do of the pumpkin, which is fine by me! But they went down well, and either got eaten or taken home.
And I made little individual banana breads as take home treats – because nothing says autumn to me like banana bread. It’s my ‘go to’ recipe from Orangette and one of my favourite things to bake as it always comes out well. 
{totally forgot to take a picture of the cider until if was dark – but check my new drinks dispenser!}

Hot Spiced Cider – I have also never tried this before {but I’ve drank a lot of it at Glastonbury} and I don’t quite know where I found this recipe, but I’ve had it written down for a while. It did call for All Spice but we don’t have any so I didn’t use it and I don’t think it missed it. The housemate said it needed brandy, but he like a drink and plus we didn’t have any brandy, so I ignored him. It’ll definitely be something I’ll make again. 

4ltrs apple cider
1/2 cup light brown sugar
2 oranges (quartered)
3-4 cinnamon sticks
1tsp cloves
{1tsp of all spice – but I didn’t}

Pop all the ingredients in a pan and stir until the sugar has dissolved {it will fizz when you add the sugar!} once the sugar is dissolved, turn the heat down and let simmer for 2-3 hrs. Serve warm. 

*not awfully sure about these – they stuck together, were super hard and didn’t really get eaten {or photographed} but they tasted pretty good!

Oh, and just in case you were wondering – all the printed collateral has been adapted from this free printable by Creature Comforts and the font is Peach Sundress
The bunting is from here. Printed onto nice paper and cut out with pinking shears. 


  1. A ha! I see the John Lewis table made the cut. I'm glad it also made it to your place in time for the party, which looks very sweet.

  2. One day, I too will make and bake something without a) burning it b) eating all the mixture and c) it looking nothing like it's supposed to.

  3. Keenie – the JL table did indeed make the cut. the boyf hasn't yet seen it though so he may not be happy!

    Megan – Thank you. I am trying to build a little life here and it was fun to do something to help it along.

    Hello Poppet – done. you're on the list.

    Rachael – it is so easy. honest. just buy wax & wick. melt and pour. and they look fab.

    Jo – I will endeavour to find you something, none banana-y – that you cannnot burn and will look good if it goes wrong like this banana bread!

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