BEDM – Our Weekend Morning Routine

Our normal weekend morning routine is pretty lazy. It consists of me getting up early (for most people at the weekends) and catching up on some blogs, and watching some of the stuff I love but Jim doesn’t watch (at the moment it’s Nashville and Hart of Dixie).

Flash and I cuddle for a while, and then he goes crazy for a while until he gets his breakfast and then he gets back in bed with Jim and leaves me in peace.

After some ‘me’ time, at say 9-9.30am I retrieve the pooch from his lazy position under the duvet and drag him out for a walk. He protests to start with and then realises he’s going to get the chance to run about and chase sticks and other dogs and is excited! We love going to the cemetery for an hr or so so he can run about and as it’s pretty hilly I get some exercise too, which helps with the next part of the weekend morning.
Once he’s been walked, rolled in some fox poo and run through some stinky streams we head home, more often than not via our favourite bakery for almond croissants and some bread for the weekend. Jim will be just about getting up which is good, so that I don’t feel guilty eating said croissant alone and that’s kind of the morning done.

This weekend though, our morning is slightly different as Flash has his 6 monthly vets check up at 9.15 so the poor little monster is going to be prodded and poked and given his booster injections. I am not looking forwards to the moodiness that follows this experience! 


  1. Poor old Flash puppy! There are definitely some similarities between our routines, pooch owners unite! We should start a support group…
    M x

  2. Love the sound of your weekend 🙂 I love watching "my" TV when Gary isn't there too 🙂 Hope Flash is OK after the nasty V E T x

  3. I love having lazy Sunday mornings because I' m always busy during the week tho that at the week end i want to relax! I'm doing the #BEDM too, if you want, check out my blog 🙂
    Michela xx

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