It might seem an odd time to pull together a lust list, right after Christmas but haven’t you been spying all the beautiful things people got as a gift and posted on Instagram, and found yourself thinking, ooooh, I really need that?
No? Just me? Maybe? But anyway, here are just a few of the things I’ve added to me ‘if I had some spare money’ list.
- I love having my SLR to hand but sometimes when I’m carrying a small bag, it’s a bit big to fit in it, and so I have been researching point and shoot cameras that have lots of features and control and so far the Canon G9X is winning.
- Spending all this time at home at the moment I’m big into wearing my pyjamas at the mo and I just adore these sparkly bad boys from the beautiful Hush PJ’s range.
- I’ve been addicted to using my Swell bottle for the last year and a bit, but now, as I’m finding that I’m having to stay a bit more hydrated than usual I’ve discovered it’s just a bit too big, and when full, heavy, to carry about with me every day. Then I spotted these Corkcicle canteens, which are slightly smaller, to fit with the aforementioned small bag, and I love the shape of them too!
- I’ve got a couple of pairs of these styles of half hoop earrings and I adore them, but the pop of colour on these Turquoise half hoop earrings makes me smile. I’m hoping I can learn to make something similar on the silversmithing course I’ll be doing.
- I honestly can’t decide if I love or hate these Nike Mid Thea – I think I like them but I’m still on the fence. I’m just not sure if they look a bit, well, odd. I’m thinking with skinny jeans and jumpers? What do you think?
What did you spot over Christmas that’s made it to your lust list these days?