BEDN – Workspace

My workspace is just a little office, that houses myself and 2 other people – our events manager and our designer. Its small and a bit cramped and not awfully interesting as offices go really. We have charts on the walls to help organise us, and  marketing collateral EVERYWHERE. But the real winning thing about my office is the view – looking out over the green next to our building. We get beautiful skies, and at the moment autumnal trees but it is the people who make it ‘special’ we get all manner of crazy people hanging out on the grass. On a Wednesday there is a university frisbee team practising there, we get the occasional smack head, we had ladies dressed as peacocks the other day. 
What is the view out of your office window like? 


  1. The view from my office is rather uninspiring unfortunately, as we're on the lower-ground floor. We are however next to a canal, so get lots of crazy light reflections shining down from the water… one day I'd like a proper view.
    Claire xx

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