The Travelling Notebooks

The other week I met with fellow Sheffield blogger, massive foodie and all round creative, Missie Cindz, to talk crafting and the likes. She also introduced me to her fabulous new notebook range, aimed to get people to fall back in love with writing again. Cindy hasn’t launched the notebooks yet, so I don’t want to give too much away, but I don’t think she’ll mind me saying there are 3 different notebooks, each with super fun themes – Recipe, Snap and Ready.

In Cindy’s own words each book has a one word title that defines it’s personality/character, supported by a line or two to reinforce its meaning and encourage you;
SNAP – life is like photography, use the negatives and develop. 
RECIPES – breakfast, Lunch, Life….and everything in between. 
READY – Pretty things. Clever Words.  

As we were chatting the idea of turning each of them into travelling notebooks blossomed, and so, to coincide with the launch of Cindy’s books later this month, we’ll be sending a set of notebooks out into the world for you all to see, read and complete.

Not sure what a travelling notebook is? 
The idea behind a travelling notebook is that you sign up to receive a notebook – of your choice or random, you choose and we send the notebook to the first person on our list – they write/draw/stick/craft (whatever they want really) their pages and post it on to the next person on the list, and so on, and so on, until the book has, travelled the world, is full and, fingers crossed, is posted back to us. 
Which notebooks will be out there?
We’ll be sending the ‘Recipe‘ notebook out and asking you to fill in your favourite recipe, or your family recipe, or even a recipe you want to try. 
Snap‘ will be going out with the instructions to add your favourite photo to it, or to describe your favourite photo, or to simply talk about photography and you. 
Ready‘ will be going out asking you to talk your favourite things – maybe a moment, a possession, a person. All about the things you love and treasure the most!
How do I get involved?
If you’d like to join in, head over to The Travelling Notebook Project blog and fill in the form below. As soon as the books are off the printing press they’ll be winging their way to you.
 When you’ve finished your pages take a picture, or scan or blog your pages and email them to us at
 If you’re planning on blogging your pages, please do let us know so we can tell the world. Blog badges are available at the bottom of every page on the travelling notebook blog – right click the image and save to your desktop.
And if you tweet/instagram your pages, tag them with the #travellingnotebooks

One comment

  1. Greetings! Do you happen to own any journalism education or this is just a natural gift? Can't wait to hear from you.

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