Recording the year

I’ve always thought I should be a scrapbooker – but in the uk that term wasn’t very cool when I was growing up so maybe a ‘scrapbooker’ with another title – but I’ve always saved mementos from trips to paste into photo albums and I have little bits I’ve saved from this thing or that place but it’s never been very formal. Maybe that’s why I started blogging? To have a place to store all these stories and things I like but without the glue? 

A few years ago I bought all the stuff I needed to Project Life – it cost a fortune and I’m going to be totally honest I lasted about 3 months of doing weekly layouts before recording that dog walk we went on to the same park, or the friday night in the same pub seemed a stupid thing to do and I got so far behind I just stopped doing it. There seemed to be too much pressure to do it the way the big bloggers who more often than not don’t have a typical 9-5 job or a lack of cash to do fun things do, so I stopped. The stuff sits in the corner of the craft room, taunting me. 
And this last Christmas I did ‘December Daily’ – which was lovely but kind of stressed me out too – finding things to add every day in december. some days are just always going to be PJ’s on as soon as you get home, beans on toast for dinner days and whilst we know they happen do I need to record it?
Maybe, I’ve thought, I’m not cut out to be a scrapbooker. But this year I am giving it one last fling before I throw in the towel and donate all my papers and glue sticks and embellishments to some other, more enthusiastic, friend – if you’d like your name to be on the list – tell me now as I am sure to fail 😉 
So this year I have a few plans when it comes to recording the year. 
I’ve bought this book from Sticker Stack – 100 stories
It’s bright pink for one – so it’ll make me happy when I’m using it – how could it not? Two, it’s designed so that you just pop it open and jot down your story for the day – there is space for a little photo or momento and room for a note or two. And it repeats 5 times so you could go for it and do 500 stories all about 1 year, or like I’m planning to – try and keep it going for 5 years! I’m hoping it’ll just sit on the bookcase and I can pop a note or photo or momento in it when I remember. 
I’ve also been pinning like crazy smashbook style albums
Travel mostly, as we’ve got a fun big trip lined up that I’d love to remember properly. These seem more my style, the randomness of adding and sticking down whatever you find or collect, rather than any sort of organised process really draws me in. Maybe I am a bit messy like that! And a friend of mine from the WI – Laura – has also inspired me with the books she does of her trips and I want to be as cool as her!

So, what I want to know is do you have any tips for me getting through the year without giving up on recording it? 


  1. Yes! I love this. I feel exactly the same about Project Life -every year all eager to start and then 3 weeks I am filled with inadequacy and guilt. I record so much of my life on Instagram that this year I have decided to get photo books printed with my insta pics and call it a day. I also love the idea of minibooks to record special events or travels. Yay for simplifying things! x

  2. I have some photo book credit so I might do that too……Im all for having things off my computer and printed it! Can't wait to see what you create! X

  3. check out that pinterest board, it looks amazing! i've always wanted to start a scrapbook but never have. okay, that's a lie. i have but I only decorate the first 5 pages and then give up 🙁 I have to give it another try!


  4. This is so very cool. I am rubbish at this kind of thing but sometimes can do a journal and am doing that at the moment which is nice.

  5. I really want to make this year the year I start to record my memories because I've also been hoarding mementos like crazy for years! I recieved lots of supplies for Christmas and am planning on trying one or two different methods to see what I like, so it'll be good to see how you get on! Good luck! x

  6. Ooooh. Please let me know what sort of recording you'll be doing…..I'm all up for discussing this with people….I'm going to need something to keep me going!

  7. I love the idea of spreading the stories across the next five years – that'll be a great way to look back and reflect. I suck at scrapbooking I will be honest, it was fine as a kid, doing one for say the summer holidays, but now, when I try, they feel too forced. I remember when I first moved to the US and going into the craft store for the first time and realising just how popular scrapbooking is over here, so much stuff!

  8. I really suck at it too – i find there is too much pressure to do it amazingly! Fingers crossed just jotting stuff down and not needing to have a set plan. I wonder if I'll actually keep it up though – I bet I lose it 😉

  9. Ooh that book looks cool! I'm the same with keeping a diary, I write away for a while then realise I'm just repeating myself – my life is not that exciting/varied! Not that it's a bad thing, but not something I probably care to remember 🙂

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