My new favourite thing

It’s been a few months since i discovered the ‘Birthday Party in a Box‘ and I have to say it might be one of my new favourite things for my friends birthdays. It is super customisable, and never fails to make people happy. And as it happens, it was my friend Jen’s birthday this weekend, so I knew what I’d be giving her.

But since I would be popping round to see Jen, rather than posting her gift, I could shake it up a little (the boxes that are going through the post have contained a bake it yourself cake mix you see) so, here goes, her birthday party consisted of;

  • 2 Fancie cupcakes one vanilla with a flake, one chocolate, maybe both for her, maybe one for her fancie? 
  • 2 candles – one for each cake, not one for each year 😉 they are ombre ‘d pink and uber tall and elegant. 
  • little start confetti table sprinkles
  • bunting made from some cute wrapping paper
  • a little bottle of pink sparkling wine and 2 straws {she is that classy}
  • some pretty pink, silver, white and black balloons. 

And as I couldn’t find a box on my travels down Eccy road, I packaged it all up in a little red polka dot reusable zippered bag that I thought Jen would be able to find a use for again. 
Minutes after my arrival there was bunting strung on the bookcase, balloons and confetti everywhere,  – including all over the game of Risk that was just being set up. And as she had been keeping this birthday a little quiet, I think she was pretty happy with it all. 

I think I need to step up my Party in a Box game though – what would you like to see in a birthday party box? 

{On a side note, her boyfriend had bought them a barrel of Jaipur from the Thornbridge Brewery. Never had it before, but mmmmmmmm, it was nice.}

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