Keeping Busy

The boy leaves for another month in India in, oh, 12 days. Not
that I am counting or anything. I hate it when he is away, and it is amazing how many people disappear from view right when you could do with them, so I have learnt it is best to fully occupy yourself. With this in mind I have already
started planning what I am going to do to fill my time. During his October trip
last year I painted 2 whole rooms and re-vamped the downstairs of the house. His February trip was spent job hunting and visiting friends and attempting to paint things. Once
again, it appears my time will be mostly filled with DIY based activities;

One of my friends is coming to stay with us for a few weeks until
she can move back into her house and at the moment the room she will be living in is a bit of an empty shell –
we had it plastered agggges ago, but since it’s not used much we just shut the
door and ignore the bare plaster and un-curtained velux. I am not sure it’s
fair to expect someone to live with just plaster on the walls for 6 weeks so I am going to give
it a lick of paint, fashion up some blinds for the window and see if I can’t
create something pretty from what we have right now. 

I also want to repaint the kitchen – it’s a tiny space and
we need more storage space. Unfortunately the shelves I bought to create more space are white. This immediately
told me the walls are no longer white. The kitchen needs a repaint! And if the
walls are newly white, then the cupboards are going to look grubby – would it
be too much if I painted them too? And got new lino to cover the  old stuff already there? hmmmm.

And then there is the garden – if it ever gets cleared. Thats going to need a massive sort out. New plants and probably a new BBQ. 

And thinking about it – it’s been a while since the bathroom
had a coat of paint – but maybe that’s a little ambitious for 4 weekends work? What
do you think? Maybe I can rope my friend in to helping – I was going to ask for wine, but hard labour is just as good as rent right?


  1. Good luck keeping busy, Em – sorry you'll be missing the boy, but if you're that industrious while he's gone at least you'll have something to show for those lonely days and nights. Kudos to you for your painting ambitions. Ever since we had to paint every room in the house we sold in the US – a few of them twice, I've decided if I ever pick up a roller again it will be too soon!

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