Exciting times

I have some big news. 
The boy and I have decided to take a big step and move in together. 
It’s been over two year’s now and this Sheffield/Leeds thing is getting a bit old to tell you the truth.
As he owns his house, I’m going to be moving to Sheffield, which some people are telling me is a bad idea, but I love being in Sheffield these days, and I am kind of over Leeds at the mo.

It wont be for a while, maybe May/June – and we have a few logistics to work out like my flat and my housemate and what she will do. And about what we are going to do with all our belongings and how to amalgamate them together. The boy has junk and I have pretty things. To him though I have junk and he has necessary things. {Ebaying is getting rid of some of my things, but not all of them. I wonder what of his I can ebay?} And we also have the issue of what to do about his housemate. I have reservations about my ability to live with the boy who rents a room there now {intrinsically he’s a nice enough guy but so much of the time he has no respect for anything/anyone – at the moment though he has no money to move out so we are stuck with him}

But the long and the short of it is that we’re going to be living together by the summer, which I imagine can only be a good thing. {Even if we have spent the last few weeks arguing about where to put all my pretty glassware and crafting supplies and his drum kit and computer. Ah, the joys of co-habiting.}


  1. That is really exciting – congratulations to you both! Must be a really nice feeling to have come to that decision. I am moving in with my other half in two weeks but he has never lived away from his parents' so I am trying to negotiate with him that he DOESN'T need things like his football trophies, remote control helicopter and beer mat collection, and he is trying to get his head around what bunting is and why we need it 🙂

  2. How exciting! Congratulations – it's going to be lovely.

    When I moved in with S, it was reminiscent of the scene in Gavin and Stacey when she turns up in Essex with her massive truck full of stuff. I had a van with a tail lift, crammed to the gills. When he used the same van later on, S' possessions filled a quarter of it. He was horrified how much junk I had. I was horrified how much bike stuff he had. Six years on, we're still negotiating! But it's worth it.

  3. Rosie – why would you NOT need bunting. I imagine that will be a convo we have too. Esp regarding the football trophies my 32 year old boyf still has! Good Luck.

    And Helen – I am lucky in that i'll be able to move over time, which means I can drip feed my 'pretty things' into the house…..i might also start drip feeding his junk into the basement.

  4. Yay! Congratulations Em. Good luck with the upcoming stuff mash-up with the boy… I have every faith that you will end up with a lovely home together. 😉

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