
Being a massive stationery geek, this time of year is
just perfect. Choosing 
Christmas cards, using the right pen, writing gift tags
and notes and importantly, a choosing new diary.

Yes, I know i work in digital and everything should
be on my phone, but I love a new diary. I love that moment when you start a new
and watch it get more and more used and handbag battered throughout the year. My
current 2012 diary started out a deep purple but now it’s a 
faded lilac-y number,
bursting with bits of paper and notes and my movements from the year. 
What I can’t decide is which one to buy.

Which one would you go for?

We also have a year planner to try and keep track of
our coupley movements {mostly so we don’t double book ourselves} so if you have
any ideas on those i’m looking for one of those too. 


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