Committing to

Cowboy Cupcake from here

I had a lot I ought to have photographed this weekend but it didn’t happen so the image above is the inspiration for the cupcakes I made {although mine had bbq pringles, marshmallows and strawberry laces on them – taste sensation right there!} They
were made for the wild west party I attended. Neither of which were
photographed at all. Nor the bucking bronco. Nor the hog roast. Nor the bouncy
castle. Not a stitch of it.

But I had fun. And I had a massive hangover on Sunday, but I
got to spend some time with my brothers fiancé discussing their wedding plans. It
sounds amazing and they only got engaged 2 weeks ago. Probably a good job I won’t
be getting married.  For one, I saw the
prices some of these places charge. Ouch. {I imagine my mountain top, white une-pieced
excuse for a new board, jaeger bombed affair would not be cheap either!}

For this week’s commitments I have decided I am;

  • Going to spend an evening reading. I miss curling up with a
    book and just sitting alone. Plus I think a little alone time is a house with inhabitants
    that are always there might be needed. I will leave the laptop downstairs so
    pinterest can not distract me.
  • Planning on sending a letter or postcard to two. I mean why
  • Starting a diet plan to match the exercise plan Lizzie and I
    are starting {after tonights trip to Pho 68 though} I weighed myself this
    weekend and it wasn’t pretty. I am a lot above my goal weight {admittedly that
    goal weight is the weight I was at uni, but I can dream right?}
  • Remembering to pick my strawberries as they ripen. Just because
    the plan looks cuter with them on doesn’t mean they should go to waste. 
There you go. This week’s commitments. 

{The commitments series is inspired by Pink o’clock – you can see hers here}

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