Committing to

This weekend we popped to Bath for the boys mum’s birthday. It was a biggy. I wont say which one though. But we had a lovely weekend of balls and fancy dress parties and many many meals and wandering the street. I’ve never been to bath before, but I thought it was lovely, and although we didn’t see much of it, the bits we did see {including a whistle stop tour of pubs showing rugby and not the required football} were lovely. Unfortunately I made the school boy error of packing the boy off on his work trip to India with my camera before I had got the chance to get the measly few images I took off the camera.

And since he has my DSLR for the next 3 weeks {gulp} leaving me with just my {not fantastic} point and shoot I’ve decided to try and take as many film images as possible whilst he is gone. I am not sure how this will go as the SLR I am using now is super old and a hand me down {after the ex threw my Canon 100F at a wall} so it sometimes doesn’t actually take a photo. It also has some film in it. Its an Illford HP5 so I know I put it there, but I cant even imagine when. It might be interesting to see those first 10 images.

But there you have it. My plan for the rest of January is to take a load of film images, and maybe forget about the film for another age and then get them developed……

This week, the housemate is also away so I have 5 nights of blissful peace, with loads of little fun things to do. No-one to see.I{ purposefully refused all invites out this week} and season 4 of Entourage to watch. Which might sound like some peoples hell, but I am soooooo looking forwards to it.

This week I am planning on;

  • Get skype working on this computer – chatting with the boy on googlechat’s video isn’t good. 
  • Having some early nights. If you’d seen the bags under my eyes, you’d understand.
  • Make some soup – and make it healthy-ish.
  • Make an apron for the housemates niece. I need to start cutting down the chub!
  • Start sorting out some of my stuff to ebay/charity shop/bin. I have sooooooo many clothes and things I just don’t wear, I might as well try and make some cash from them.


  1. your commitments and mine are eerily similar this week. here's to chamomile tea and deaccessioning! 🙂 xo

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