A Treatment Update

Guys. I got some good news. Like excellent news. Champagne worthy news……

Whilst Kadcyla might be kicking my ass in terms of side effects. It’s also kicking my cancer’s ass.

My Onc called me on Friday evening to let me know my scan results were in and,

The cancer in my clavicle, the bit that had grown enough to make me need to change treatments HAS GONE!


And some of the other cancerous bit, the ones in my chest have shrunk too. There are still some bit in my tummy that are growing but they are so small that we’re all but ignoring them for now!

After a crappy few weeks, this was just the news I needed. I mean I was still in bed for a nap before it got dark on both Friday and Saturday, so my fatigue hasn’t been cured by the good news, but it’s definitely buoyed my spirits somewhat!

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