I must start by apologising for being a bit awol in June. Work decided to kick my ass into oblivion at the same time my laptop died a horrible nasty death. It’s been on it’s last legs for a while but its not even switching on now. Weeping. And I’ve ruined all other laptops for myself by setting my sights on a Surface Pro 3 that I can’t justify buying. But it meant that the posts in my head never happened. They probably won’t ever surface again as they’ve been replaced by other thoughts and ideas but right now I am just thankful that my brain is still working…….
Right now I am blogging from my phone. Have you ever tried to use Blogger on a phone? It’s no fun at all.
But onto June – I walked the dog a lot – our evenings out have been my saviour of late. I did a great photography class (more on that later this week). I ate more Gin brownies than a girl probably should – thanks Boxed Brownies for that one. I dug up a LOT of plants and literally watched grass grow – it was not as magic as the tub promised. We had a photoshoot for a classical musical poster. I rejoiced in the cuteness of Toni’s house at her birthday party! I went to a dog swimathon and watched as Flash swam his little legs off and raised £150 for charity. I then left my poor little pooch to fend for himself amongst the four crazy dogs at my brothers and I went to Glastonbury. For 5 days I ate like a queen, danced, drank rum and had a great time which was much needed after a month of meh!
So onto July. I have high hopes for July.
So, what do you have planned for July? Tell me all your fun plans please. And if anyone fancies sending me a working laptop I will love you forever! And send you brownies – did I ever tell you I make a mean chocolate brownie?